
Trees and shrubs - Bamboos - Hellebores
3, rue de la Chapelle - F 54740 Xirocourt
+33 3 83 52 55 08 +33 6 81 69 41 41


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Buy bamboos online
buy Hellebores online
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Fruit Trees

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Nom Amount avail. Number(s) Price/pcs  
Carpinus orientalis 120-160
35.00 €
Kiwaï 'Romeo' 40-80
15.00 €
Colutea orientalis 80-120
25.00 €
Total : 75 Euros

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!! The total of your plants must be HIGHER OR EQUAL 40 € !!

1)You would like to order plants online *:

We can ship plants whose heights are, to date, less than or equal to 120 cm, including trees, shrubs, vines for woodies 0-40, 40-80 and 80-120 cm, young plants in P7, P9, P11 or P13, Helleborus and bamboes in 2, 3, 4 or 5 liters.
Orders can be delivered according to the chronological order of the records (except for meteorological contraindications like frost or heat).
We send orders on Tuesday, which in particular avoids the "crossing" of a Week End.
This delivery will be ensured in 24 hours (on average) by GLS, which will provide you with a tracking number.
Meanwhile the expedition, the receipt of your payment is the final book of your plants are then labeled to your attention.

Click on the appropriate picture to the family of plants in order to display the list and choose the plants to add to your order.

* : Minimum € 40 order (not including shipping)

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4) You wish to see the General Terms of Business, clickhere